A Holiday Message from Project Legacy

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This past Sunday evening, fifteen young people crowded into our office at The Empowerment Center for the last Healing Circle before the Christmas holiday and winter break. I had contemplated cancelling this particular Circle, wondering if anyone would come so close to the holidays and right after finals.

The answer was yes, they would.

Kids poured in until we were out of space, some sitting on the floor while others stood for the entire 90 minute Circle. Among our group were women returning home from college, a young man who has been homeless and struggling with addiction and depression, and three young men and first generation college students who had just graduated with their Associate's degrees.

Old friends greeted one another with hugs, kisses and laughter. A girl who had never been to Circle was welcomed with smiles. “I’m glad you’re here,” our regular attendees said to the newcomer — a similar greeting to what they heard on their first night, too.

Regardless of religious beliefs, the youth of Project Legacy embrace one another with a level of love, respect and openness that sometimes is difficult to see in America today. Over the course of our 90 minute Circle, with candles lit and soft blankets shared, our youth came together to support one another on their journeys to healing.

On this particular night, and every night in this room, they learn that they have control of their lives. They are the authors of their stories, not the victims of their circumstances, and ultimately, they are the ones who can decide how their story will unfold. They are learning that this is their greatest gift — the path of their choosing.

At Project Legacy, we believe all children are entitled to safety, security, access to education and healthcare, and to being surrounded and supported by positive adults who love them.  Because of you, our youth are experiencing this, week after week, including this one. Thank you for your kindness and support of our work.

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays,

Karen and John

Give a year-end gift to Project Legacy today.

Karen Edmonds